Vidya 27th February 2020 Written Update


Vidya 27th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Star Bharat Show “Vidya 27-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Mahek Saves Vidya

Airing Date: 27 February 2020

Full Written Update: 27-February-2020 Vidya Episode Start with

Vivek saying none understands that you are uneducated, you have used fake degree to transform into an educator, your movement is fake, you can’t make an apex of dreams dependent on a lie. Mahek gets paralyzed. Vidya says you didn’t send me to detain, you did what you felt right, for what reason is it wrong if I m endeavoring to do what I feel right, I would incline toward not to hear anything, I have to hear your decision, let me know, will you marry me or not. Mahek asks what are you talking, what is this.

Vivek goes. Mahek tails him. Vidya sits crying. Vivek is in travel. He surveys Vidya. Mahek precedes his vehicle. He stops the vehicle and censures her. She says we need to talk, whatever you told about Vidya, is that legitimate. He signals.

Also Read: Vidya 26th February 2020 Written Update

She says in case you knew this, for what reason didn’t you make any move. He says I expected to give her a chance, she did a lot for the town and school, she is communicating such things, anyway the words aren’t of her. Mahek says I don’t have any associate with her, reasonable you can know her, mom unveiled to me that she likes

Vidya a lot, what happened now, mothers consider this. He says yes. He tells everything. He says sorry, I didn’t tell you, I didn’t wish to tell about my darling’s deficiency. She says you are an extraordinary individual, if you have covered her enormous truth, by then it infers she justifies this respect, she is adequate, what happened now. He says since this time her decision has hurt me a ton. She advantages him up. He smiles. She says I will banter with Vidya about you, we will get back to mother, don’t take strain, I won’t let your sentimental story end thusly. He says be wary and come.

The kids welcome Vidya. Nanku is in travel and sees her. He gets wild and gets driver’s neck. The vehicle goes out of control and stops. Nanku gets down and says I will butcher her. She runs. He takes a stone to hit her. Mahek comes and pushes her. She covers him with a material and solicitations that the people get him. Kalindi takes Nanku. Mahek takes Vidya to the haven for a conversation. She says I know you both love each other a ton, Vivek is supporting you, for what reason might you want to make him away, he worships you a lot, don’t discharge him, what’s the reason behind this.

Vidya audits his mom. Vivek gets some data about his mom. He is troubling. His mom thinks I have to do this until your and Vidya’s association closes. The drug falls near her feet. Vidya says I love Vivek and can’t get by without him. Mahek asks is anyone making you do this, let me know, the clarification will turn out soon. The ants go to the drug and besides hop on Vivek’s mom’s leg.

Vidya says I m not under anyone’s pressure. Mahek says you can tell me, confide in me, Vivek is my friend, I feel hurt to see him hurt, I m happy whn he is cheery, I won’t let this association end, you both talk and find some course of action, you have continually reinforced each other, by what method may you do this today, save your veneration. Vivek’s mum gets harmed by the underground creepy crawly eats. Mahek communicates various things ruin by calm. Dharma and Bablu look on.

Mahek says I figure you should head out to have a great time with Vidya. Vidya says date… . Mahek says I mean the date when individual and youngster meet and talk lovey dovey things, its evil spirit date. Vidya thinks.

Also Read: Vidya 25th February 2020 Written Update


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