Vidrohi 26th Feburary 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Vidrohi 26th Feburary 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name:Vidrohi

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Istian Stastath Time)

Telecast Days: Mothay To Friday

Air Date: 26,Feburary, 2022

Country: Ithia


Today’s Content:Vidrohi Feburary 26th, 2022 Written Update Episode Start wist.. Kalyani going inside the wilderness to meet the individual who will supply them weapons. She meets a man who inquire as to whether she is Baxi’s significant other, to which she answers decidedly and obliges him. A British trooper stands up to them and was going to capture when Kalyani tosses the mud on his eyes and battles with him to save herself. Though, Baxi gets inside the workplace of Britishers while the troopers request that he uncover his face. They drives him to take off the dress from his face and gets stunned in the wake of remembering him. He orders to capture Baxi yet last option retaliates alongside his mens who were camouflaged in Britisher’s outfit and gets hold of the troopers.

Here, Baxi orders to eliminate the warriors from the workplace and afterward consumes it. They gets effective in their main goal, while Warren gets stunned in the wake of finding out regarding it. He ends up being irate and chooses to show something new to Baxi. He arranges his means to get Baxi and aslo discovers that they are attempting to move weapons in the Rodang to plan for battle.Subarna request that Radha be cautious and take care of herself. Around then a worker comes there and gives two letters for them alongside the weapon pack. Subarna gets thrilled seeing the letter from Baxi and understands it. She becomes invigorated discovering that Baxi have begun the primary period of revolutionary against the Britishers. He advise them about their arrangement and request to remain solid.

Somewhere else, Gadadhar comes inside Radhamani’s room while both she and Subarna gets stunned seeing him. Subarna reminds him about his discipline and request to leave the royal residence, while Banthara uncovers that she permitted him inside the castle. She says that Subarna ought to pardon him as he is apologizing for his error.

Banthara reminds Subarna that Baxi even pardoned Gadadhar and have allowed him to remain inside the royal residence as he began confiding in him, to which Radha answers that Baxi can’t be right constantly. Banthara tells that in the event that Gadadhar will remain with them, they will get mental fortitude and during the hour of battle, they ought to have a male with them who can battle and safeguard them. Subarna answers that they are to the point of taking care of themselves. Gadadhar requests an oppertunity and demands them to trust him. Subarna at last consents to allow an opportunity to him.

Ahead, Gadadhar leaves the room alongside Banthara. She reminds him about their arrangement and request that he care for Radha. Gadadhar grins and gets into his work to help the Britishers. He observes a letter where he discovers that Baxi have sended weapons inside Rodang and got some information about it. He gets stunned finding out with regards to it and thinks that Baxi confides in Radha the most and ponders attacking her space to track down the weapons.

Radha peruses the letter sended by Baxi in which he have referenced that the amount he trust her and no one but she can help him in concealing the weapons. She sees the weapons and gets into thinking. Though, Gadadhar questions a worker that assuming something was brought inside the house, to which she answers that she has hardly any insight into it. Radha sees him and gets dubious yet he acts to be blameless before her. He chooses to toss Radha, Kalyani and Baxi out of the royal residence Further, Kalyani gets stressed over Baxi yet he returns securely and embraces her. She enthusiastically gets some information about everything, while he tells her how they consumed the Britisher’s office. She guarantees him that he will clearly win. They goes to dozing, while Baxi hears a few voices and goes out to check. Around then Warren’s fighters gets him, while Warren snickers and announces to rebuff him.
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