Shiv Shakti 27th January 2024 Episode Written Update (27/1/2024)

Shiv Shakti

Shiv Shakti 27th January 2024 Written Episode Update,
Colors TV “Shiv Shakti 27th January 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Mandira decides to kill Gayatri

Shiv Shakti Air Date :Shiv Shakti 27th January 2024

Full Written Update:Shiv Shakti 27/1/2024 Episode Start with Mandira tells Keertan that Rimjim will be the reason for Shiv Shakti breaking. Mandira also said that Rimjim will be the reason for Keertan and Shakti to unite again. Mandira hears a pot-falling and she sees Gayatri overhearing their conversation. Mandira thinks her timing is really bad as Gayatri also overhears their conversation. Gayatri comes to Mandira and tells Mandira that Gowri has seen her true color and now Shakti has also seen her true color. Gayatri asks Mandira why she is doing this. Mandira tells Gayatri that she has no time for all this. Mandira says she will talk to Keertan before Shakti comes here. Mandira told Padma that Cuckoo had caught Gayatri. Gayatri jumped on the cuckoo. Mandira takes Keertan to Rimjim.

Mandira tells Keertan that there is still time to turn defeat into victory. Keertan tried to talk to Rimjim. Shakti stops Keertan and warns Keertan not to touch her sister. Shakti asks Keertan what lies Mandira told her to tell Rimjim now. Keertan tells Shakti that it is not a lie but the truth that Mandira made him realize. Keertan apologizes to Rimjim saying that he should not take out his anger against Shakti on Rimjim. Keertan asks Rimjim to slap him and punish him. Rimjim tells Keertan not to do it and says that he will hurt himself before hurting her.

Rimjim hugs Keertan. Shakti tries to convince Rimjim not to believe Keertan’s words and reminds Rimjim of how Keertan treated her a short time ago. Shakti tells Rimjim that Keertan is trying to fix it. Rimjim asks Shakti to stop this and talks about it as he believes that Keertan is lying and accuses Shakti of trying to destroy his marriage. Rimjim compared Keertan to Dr. Shiv then tells Shakti that Keertan is better than Dr. Shiv because he is never crazy like Dr. Shiv. Rimjim suggests Shakti to leave Dr Shiv as she doesn’t love him. Shakti asks Rimjim to stop this and says that she will not allow anyone to insult Dr. Shiv. Shakti warns Keertan that just because the sisters are arguing doesn’t mean Rimjim is alone. Shakti tells Keertan that she is always there to take care of Rimjim. Shakti left from there.

Mandira advises Keertan and Rimjim that their relationship should not be affected by a third party. Rimjim agreed. Keertan hugs Mandira and says he needs Shakti though. Mandira promises Keertan that she will throw Shakti at his feet.

Gayatri tries to show Shakti when Padma shuts her mouth. Shakti hears noise from Mandira’s room and goes to check. Mandira stops Shakti from entering her room and reminds her that this is her room and she is not allowed to enter this room. Mandira suggests Shakti to leave the house in the middle of the night as it will be beneficial for her. Shakti tells Mandira that if she finds out that Mandira is involved in Gowri’s death, she will punish her in a way that Mandira will remember for the rest of her life. Shakti left from there.

Mandira thinks her weather is bad today. Padma asks Mandira what they should do about Gayatri. Mandira tells Padma that they should kill Gayatri.

Shiv Shakti 29th January 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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