Shaadi Mubarak 14th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Shaadi Mubarak 14th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Shaadi Mubarak 14 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 14th December, 2020

December 14, 2020 : Shaadi Mubarak Today Episode Start with Neelima saying I realized Arjun is my beneficiary. She approaches Neil not to go for educational cost and simply welcome Arjun home. Neil says obviously, as you state. Neelima asks KT where is Arjun, is he fine. KT says unwind, he will come in some time. She says I will set up Arjun’s room, Neil’s room is wonderful, Neil can move to visitor room. Sneha says you can move Arjun to visitor room. Neelima blows up. Neil says I will move, it is anything but an issue. Preeti asks when will Arjun come. KT says some time. She asks did Nandini consent to remain with you. He asks Gopal to get new blossoms. She asks him what did Nandini say.

Neelima says we will have Arjun’s fav food from now. Sneha says we don’t have the foggiest idea about his preferences. Neelima says right. Preeti says Nandini would know, we will ask her. KT says no compelling reason to call her, Arjun is coming, you can ask him. She asks are you fine. He says yes. She says I feel you are concealing something. He says nothing. Neelima goes to invite Arjun. She does his tilak and Aarti. Arjun asks Nandini to come. Nandini comes. They get stunned. Shivraj asks what are you doing here. Arjun says KT requested that mum come. Nandini inquires as to for what reason are all of you stunned, as though you have seen a phantom. She says KT didn’t reveal to all of you, not even Preeti, he ought to have disclosed to Preeti that he is getting his ex home.

KT says Preeti thought about it, I had advised her. Preeti takes a gander at him and cries. She says indeed, he disclosed to me that you are coming, he doesn’t conceal a single thing from me. Neelima says you didn’t consider letting us know. Nandini says we will stand by in the vehicle, all of you talk about, we need to remain here at this point. She takes Arjun and goes. Neelima asks what’s going on. KT tells everything. FB shows Arjun saying I will go to your home when you meet mother along, make it conceivable, you love me right. KT says truly, I can’t fend you off, fine, I will keep Nandini along for the good of you, I m wedded to Preeti, don’t anticipate much else. FB closes. Shivraj reproves KT for choosing only it. Sneha says Arjun is the grandson, however its not right that Nandini remains here.

Sushant says indeed, you can’t keep Preeti and Nandini under a similar rooftop. Neelima says KT’s choice is correct, he did this for Arjun, we care for Arjun, not Nandini. Shivraj says we will be welcoming a major issue, she got underhanded goals for us and demolished us, did you consider Preeti’s feelings. Neelima asks will Preeti choose it. KT says its our choice, I had taken Preeti’s recommendation in this. Neelima asks what’s the difficult at this point. Preeti asks Neil to get Arjun. Shivraj blows up. Neil brings Arjun and Nandini. Neelima takes Arjun. Nandini says KT has a propensity to lie for the good of I, he has deceived keep me along, he does it for my adoration. Preeti says you had left him and fled, he considers you to be Arjun’s mum. They contend.

Neelima asks Arjun to set his room by taking KT’s assistance. Arjun concurs. Nandini asks Preeti to comprehend what she ought to do now. Rati comes to meet Kusum. She says I felt terrible hearing the awful news, Sumedh’s shop consumed and Priyanka’s union down and out, don’t have the foggiest idea what’s going on with you, keep my old shoes, I can’t see you in a difficult situation. She gives a note. She affronts Kusum. Kusum gives the note to her and abuses her back. She says pick the shoes and leave, else I will hit the shoes on your head, I will give you uplifting news, we broke Priyanka’s coalition, that person wasn’t acceptable, Sumedh is building his shop once more, Juhi found a new line of work in Tibrewal organization, they trust her, get lost at this point.

Rati picks the shoes and goes. KT asks Arjun how is the room. Arjun says its great. KT says let me know whether you need any changes. Neelima says KT is acceptable in inside stylistic layout, we had improved our room after marriage. KT attempts to go. She says we ought to invest energy with Arjun, all together. KT says my better half is pausing, we will meet on lunch. KT goes to the room. Preeti says shut the entryway. He inquires as to why. She says in the event that I blow up and admonish you boisterously, family won’t care for it. He asks will you chasten me. She says truly, proceed to close the entryway. He closes the entryway. She inquires as to for what reason did you get Nandini home, you lied that it was our choice, you need to respond to me. He takes a gander at her.

In Progress….


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