Qurbaan Hua 1st February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Qurbaan Hua 1st February 2021 Written Update on Tellyupdates.tv”

Tv Show Name: Qurbaan Hua

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date: 1, February, 2021

February 1, 2021: Qurbaan Hua Today Episode Start with Godambari shouts how she would likewise see climate Chahat can keep the quick, she is attempting to constrain Chahat to drink the juice anyway Chahat continually attempts to drive her away. Ghazala coming to Chahat shouts how she ought to be happy on the grounds that she has purchased the clinic and afterward ought to be happy that she had the option to, Chahat is concerned so asks what Ghazala is saying when she likewise asks Chahat how she got such a lot of cash since she purchased the medical clinic. They are standing when the Pandit of the Mandir comes shouting how the gems which they set for Maa have been taken, everybody gets stunned when Baleq asks who the Pandit suspects, to which he specifies how one of the supporters saw Chahat in the Mandir and she was the last one in the region.

Vyas je questions why Chahat who is continually attempting to clarify how she was not the one to take the gems since she doesnot have any goal to accomplish cash, Ghazala shouts how she ought not stress over Neel as he can’t furnish her with two suppers in a day, Chahat gets enraged requesting that Ghazala quit accusing Neel as she, at the end of the day, is the explanation Neel can’t find a new line of work in the whole town, Ghazala requests that Chahat not go about as though she is ignorant in light of the fact that she has demonstrated the amount she really focuses on her dad.

Vyas je additionally chides Chahat saying how she ought not have taken the adornments when her significant other was jobless, Chahat clarifies how she was alongside the Mandir simply because the Akhund Jhot was going to lessen so she attempted to save it, Ammi Jan gets strained shouting how it would have been exceptional that she kicked the bucket prior to confronting such a circumstance as now Chahat has become unpure, Godambari says how she attempted to make their home unpure by sending the endowments of their home, it was helpful that Neel consumed them in any case their home would have likewise gotten influenced.

Ammi Jan likewise takes a gander at Neel and Chahat when Ghazala shouts how the two of them professed to have a comprehension of one another’s religions why did Neel consume the endowments which they had sent with such love, Ammi Jan shouts how she can’t bear this any longer as they don’t have any regard for their religion so she would end the marriage and now Chahat would accompany her to Dubai, she takes the hand of Chahat anyway Neel additionally doesnot let go, Chahat likewise begs her Ammi Jan to not meddle in the issue since she has said it unmistakably how she can’t leave Neel.

The Pandit clarifies how he has no motivation to talk in the inward issues of his home however possibly realizes that on the off chance that the gems isn’t discovered, at that point he doesnot understand what the locals would do, Chahat attempts to argue her honesty infront of Vyas je referencing how he considered her his little girl so should realize that she can’t take anything, Vyas je shouts how she can’t be trusted as he has not seen a more deceitful individual then her and shouts how he can’t rebuff her since disciplines are given to the individuals who have a place with ones family so he would get the discipline so would keep the quick until the adornments is discovered, Chahat shouts how she would be the one to keep the quick as she is accused for all that is going on, Ammi Jan shouts how this is the lone scene which they needed to see as Chahat is tolerating their religion, she at that point goes out of frustration.

Chahat is remaining in the grass, Neel digs out from a deficit shouting how she ought not have kept the quick as she had not had anything In supper, Chahat shouts how she would keep the quick to demonstrate that she isn’t the cheat, Neel shouts how this is the explanation he was declining to wed her however then Chahat specifies that they have vowed to live respectively yet have not been guaranteed a simple life later on in light of the fact that they would deal with the issues together.

Neel arrives at the Mandir at that point implores before Maa that he be invigorated the discover the gems as it is the solitary manner by which he would have the option to demonstrate her guiltlessness, he inquires as to whether he saw the adornments at the pooja toward the beginning of the day, the Pandit shouts how he was absent in the Pooja, a few people shout how he has hitched a Muslim so may have been behind taking the gems, they attempt to drive him away anyway he doesnot tune in to anything that they need to say. Chahat is playing out the quick when Godambari brings the paratha which she has made and attempts to ensure that Chahat eats it anyway Chahat shouts how she can’t consider eating anything hen she is fasting and even she attempts to make Chahat drink the juice anyway can’t as Jamuna stops her taking steps to lift his hand on her on the off chance that she again attempts to draw close to Chahat.

Godambari and Baleq are standing when he requests her to not think from herself as so low since she can turn on the water pressure as then the water would go inside Chahat’s mouth making her quick break. Neel asks why the snake went to the playing territory of the youngsters, he sees a snake opening so reaches to cover it before another snake comes out, Neel discovers the entirety of the gems in the opening at that point gets stressed so he takes them hard and fast, everybody accumulates around him, he calls both of the men to perceive how he has discovered the adornments and they should never again censure Chahat for taking anything. Godambari places the line on the swing in the position that when they open the tap the pressing factor of the water breaks Chahat’s quick, she promptly rushes to shroud flagging Baleq to open the tap.In Progress…

Qurbaan Hua, 1st, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Qurbaan Hua, 1 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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