Pratigya 2, 19th July 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pratigya 2, 19th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Pratigya 2,

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 19, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Pratigya 2, July 19th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Kriti uncovers to I comprehend who did this. On asking Kriti uncovered that I heard Sajjan Singh urging somebody to kill Pratigya. Sumitra attempts to change the point by saying that she got fretful seeing this and taking anybody’s name. Krishna urges her to shout out unmistakably and let me know. Kriti was crying and not ready to talk, promptly Sumitra urges Kesar to take her inside and urged Krishna to take a rest not to consider everything. Considering everything, they left Pratiyat gave an investigating look to Sajjan Singh. Meera condemns kids for accusing Sajjna Singh.

Meera brought flavors and divulged to them today I would censure you after that you will reconsider before involved. Out of nowhere Pratigya came and slapped her for censuring her children. Pratigya admonished her in the event that you try to trouble my children any more, I wilt promise you contract be in a therapeutic office as I have sufficient check against you. Young person’s statements of disillusionment to Pratigya for taking to her discourteously as they fathomed she genuinely revolves around us.

Pratigya says it’s not your inadequacy since you have been controlled. Kriti was mentioning Pratigya to instruct Krishna with respect to everything after that there would be no issue beside Pratigya uncovered to them we can’t do like this concerning the master has admonished not to give him any kind of crushing element. Krishana was looking for Pratigya. He immediately heard children calling Pratigya “mumma”. Krishan thought there is something which is covered by me so I need to discover it out.

Krishan called out for a DNA test. Pratigya offered significant thanks to God for mettle kids again and winging out their contempt against me. Krishna went to her and ask you would imagine that this house Alo’s isn’t guaranteed and if there is something to share you can. Pratigya says not a ton as it was only a difficulty and tolerating you need to manage something for me then, at that point meet me at the rear of the House at 12 am. Krishna asked worried for what valid reason?

Pratigya said I need you to wish you first on your birthday. Krishna says you audit my birthday then I need to come clearly. Meera heard their discussion and thought today Pratigya will continue hanging on and I will celebrate with Krishna. Pratigya was hanging on for Krishan in the deck and envisions a real hit the dance floor with Krishna. Krishna orchestrated and he intended to leave yet Meera satisfied him to go with me for 2 minutes. Meera took him to her room where she coordinated a stunningness for Krishna.

Krishna was disclosing to her I need to assume off to some position in a crisis yet Meera was not conveying him. Meera plays out a fervent dance for Krishna and makes him drink wine as well. Meera spiked the reward so he couldn’t leave the room and rested around there. Pratigya was asking with respect to why Krishna didn’t come. Pratigya went to his room nevertheless he was not there. Pratigya peeps into Meera’s room and saw he was one bed with Meera.
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