Namak Issk Ka 12th August 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Namak Issk Ka 12th August 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Namak Issk Ka

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 12, August, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Namak Issk Ka August 12th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with.Iravati requests that Kahani quit imagining. Kahani says you have begun misleading yourself moreover? Iravati says this house is my life so don’t eye it. Kahani says now you stress over the family? You figure your reality will not come out? I would prefer not to contend with you, she leaves from that point. Ronak stows away from Kahani. Yug goes to Satya’s lodging. She inquires as to whether Kahani is fine? I realize Iravati is extremely astute, she is pregnant so be exceptionally cautious, deal with her.

Yug says how can Iravati respond? Satya says she secured Kahani in the storm cellar, brought a sham, and did numerous different things. Yug says you and Kahani are concealing things from me. Satya says I will make espresso for you. He frowns at her. Satya says your better half will reveal to you everything, you shouldn’t leave your significant other with Iravati briefly. I figure we shouldn’t do any arranging and simply face Iravati. Yug thinks she is correct. He says we should go then, at that point.

Ronak is Kahani’s room and meddling with something. Iravati is concerned that he will be gotten. Kahani comes into the room and sees Ronak going to Lord in her room. She says what are you doing here? Ronak says I brought Lord’s golden calf here for Yug. He goes from that point. Kahani says on the off chance that I bring Iravati’s fact out this moment, no one would trust me, I need to figure out the ideal opportunity. She petitions the ruler and says my child will be brought into the world in the house without any falsehoods. Yug carries Satya to his home. He requests that he stay in the vehicle. She says you will pardon me right? Yug says you were vulnerable, I may have done likewise in case I was from your perspective.

Saroj takes a gander at Kahani and says we will track down the genuine Kahani soon, this fraud will go then, at that point. Kahani figures I will bring Iravati’s fact out soon. Saroj inquires as to for what reason would you say you are meandering in the house when you are pregnant? Kahani says what was Ronak doing in my room? Ronak says I am not a bootlegger, I just went to put ruler’s deity there. Yug comes into the house and asks what’s happening? Kahani says Ronak came into my room, why? Ronak says I was simply stressed over Yug’s child. I couldn’t say whether it’s Yug’s child or not.

Kahani says then whose child right? Saroj says we don’t have a clue and we would prefer not to know. Kahani says all of you need evidence that this is Yug’s child? Yug thinks Kahani has made a few arrangements. Dadi says this house has another dramatization consistently. Kahani says then see whether I have Yug’s child or not. Saroj says indeed, we need evidence. Kahani says now I can perceive how much regard all of you give me. Rupa says we are being aware to you. Kahani says how might you scrutinize this child? It’s Yug’s child. Saroj says we will get down on a specialist and find. Rupa says a paternity test can hurt the child. Kahani says I am good with the test. Yug requests that Kahani accompany him.

Yug carries Kahani to Satya. Kahani asks Satya what she is doing here? Satya says Yug brought me here, we can’t continue to play a game with Iravati when you are pregnant, you ought to be dealing with yourself. We need to draw out her fact. Yug says reveal to me everything. He inquires as to for what reason did you consent to the paternity test? It can hurt the child. Kahani says I need to stress over you and the family moreover. Yug says we will do as you say. Satya says I am prepared to do anything.

Iravati discloses to Ronak that Kahani will play a game. Ronak says as much this young lady isn’t a sham? What is happening in this house? Iravati says simply keep your mouth shut. Gunjan says we should zero in on Satya and Kahani at the present time. Ronak inquires as to for what reason did you do this dramatization? Iravati says for my family. Ronak says you couldn’t care less about everybody in this family. Where is Kahani’s copy? Iravati says this all began in light of the fact that Ravi needed to give all property to Kahani so I ran my brain and brought

Kahani’s fraud here. She inquires as to whether he managed her job? He says yes and gives Kahani’s saree that he took from her room. Iravati gets a call from the specialist and says OK I will get her conceded. She says Kahani needs to get conceded for the paternity test, I will kill her there. Ronak and Gunjan are staggered. Iravati says she is our adversary so we need to complete her, then, at that point I will kill that Satya.

Kahani is tragically sitting in her room. Rupa comes there and requests that she rests in bed. She says I have brought nourishment for you. Do you not miss your significant other? Kahani cries so Rupa requests her to take care from her child. I was unable to deal with my child so God removed it, assuming you need cash or whatever else then advise me, I will offer it to you. Kahani says I simply need your favors. Rupa says it’s with you.

The specialist inquires as to whether he needs this paternity test? Yug thinks Kahani needs it so I will concur. He says indeed, I need to do it. The specialist says then Kahani must be conceded. Iravati thinks for what reason is Kahani consenting to this?

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