Mithai 30th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Mithai 30th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Mithai

Timings On TV: All times are on the 30th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 30th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Mithai 30th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Apeksha telling Sid they can in any case go to Singapore and get hitched. I realize you actually like me. Mithai comes there and gets some information about Sid and selling Jalebi doesn’t influence the standing of this family. Apeksha says she can utilize her strategy some place not with her as far as she might be concerned’s a namesake marriage. Mithai says marriage occurred and we have a testament for itself and you can go to any court with it. Mithai says Suniye ji. Sid looks stunned. Mithai requests that Sid make Dadu pleased by dealing with the business.

Apeksha requests that she shut up, did you get a finance manager grant. Mithai requests that she not include among a couple. She requests that Apeksha sit tight with visitors for her Muh dikhayi. Mithai leaves. Apeksha asks Sid for what valid reason he is hearing her. Sid says she is pagal yet you’re seeing so don’t cause a situation.

Mithai calls Sid and lets him know that she doesn’t have the foggiest idea how to wear a saree. Sid says you just know to eat the mind. Mithai requests that Apeksha help her. Apeksha denies to help. She leaves. Mithai goes saying she will wear it without anyone else. Sid looks vulnerable. Apeksha figures Mithai will be embarrassed infront of visitors. Mithai lets Sid know that she can’t wear it. Sid says he is a specialist, not a style fashioner. Mithai requests that he call his mother. Sid calls Dadu to send Indu aunt as Mithai doesn’t have the foggiest idea how to wear a saree. Dadu detaches the call letting him know he can’t hear anything.

Dadu imparts it to Dadi and grins. Sid says they are occupied and not ready to hear my voice. Mithai asks what she needs to do. Sid opens a YouTube instructional exercise of Saree wearing and requests that she attempt. Mithai can’t grasp it. Sid asks how long she squanders. Mithai tells she can’t. Sid tells her he will help. He watches a video and makes her wear a saree. Mithai gazes at him. Apeksha gets stunned seeing Sid helping Mithai.

Harimohan and Dadi come there. Chandrakanta acclaims Mithai’s look. Harimohan asks who assisted her with the saree. Mithai shows Sid. Chandrakanta covers Mithai’s face with Dupatta and takes her first floor. Pramod and Geetika show up for muh dikhayi. Apeksha plans to make Mithai trip however she trips herself.

Mithai holds her on time and requests that she figure out how to deal with herself before she intends to make other fall. Harimohan requests that Sid stay there with Mithai. Sid advances hand for Mithai. Woman says hold her firmly any other way she might go to sell Jalebi. Indu says selling Jalebi resembles satisfying her father’s fantasy. Apeksha remembers to make Mithai fall.

Woman applauds the solidarity of Chobey family. Chandrakanta requests men to have food expressing it’s the capability from women. Harimohan leaves favoring recently married couple. Different men likewise leave.

Chandrakanta gifts Aarti jewelry to Mithai and favors her. Geetika likewise favors them. Abha parades the accessory she brought for Muhdikayi then she gives it to Mithai. Woman sees Mithai’s face and says they pick the best girl in regulation. Chandrakanta says they lost in the event that they hear Mithai Bhajan.

Apeksha says everybody hears her voice in the roads so we should have a dance rivalry. Chandrakanta concurs. Women say they are invigorated. Sid is going to leave however Apeksha stops him to observe their dance contest. Apeksha begins her dance. Chandrakanta signs Mithai to go on. Mithai hits the dance floor with Apeksha. During the dance Apeksha makes Mithai tumble to the ground. Then she moves around Mithai in satisfaction.

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Mithai 30th July 2022 updates

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