Kaamna 7th June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “ Kaamna 7th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kaamna

Timings On TV: All times are on the 7th of June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 7th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Kaamna 7th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Vibhav is truly stressed considering how could he get a call from Niharika, he chooses to call the specialist Khalay yet is truly strained when the specialist doesnot reply so gets stressed pondering is going on there.

Yet again manav calls Bubbly teaching all her an eye on him, she in shock illuminates him that Vibhav is leaving so they got late, Manav anyway makes sense of this time they are looking great, he is following Vibhav. Manav in the vehicle illuminates Mr Holkar that they donot have any choice of mix-up since, supposing that Vibhav figures out that they know about reality then Vibhav would take the cost of their misstep from Niharika jee, Manav stops the vehicle subsequent to detecting that of Vibhav, who questions how might he be so imprudent since he is a specialist yet is affected by Alcohol.

Manav helps Mr Holkar not make any clamor from the jugs, he chooses to go on all alone, Manav figures out how to see Niharika jee lying on a bed, he is feeling better to see that she is as yet alive when Mr Holkar questions what occurred, he demands her to proceed to hang tight for him in the vehicle. Manav records Vibhav conversing with the specialist, he makes sense of he has been giving him since the beyond seven years and for what so he can drink, Vibhav threatens to not give him even a solitary penny, he makes sense of he knows the voice of Niharika as she used to call him Janu, and it was her on the call.

Manav thinks how he sat with Ayesha making sense of she has the ability of talking in the voice of Niharika je, but Ayesha is continually crying when he makes sense of they need to ensure she talks like her mom, he trains her to talk as she would accompany Vibhav. Manav praised her when they followed through with their job.

Manav sees the specialist and Vibhav talking, the specialist guarantees that he has kept Niharika je concealed for the beyond seven years and it’s anything but a kid’s down, he has not committed any error in his undertakings so would show that she is still fine, Vibhav goes into the room with the specialist who says that she is as yet resting, Vibhav aftr seeing the state of Niharika makes sense of he is leaving for the present yet the specialist should not commit any error in that frame of mind, meanwhile Manav figures out how to take a note of his telephone number.

Yet again specialist Kalay comes to his work area when he gets a message from Manav that contains the verification about his activities, he is stunned to see the recording with Vibhav in which he acknowledges how it is challenging to keep somebody concealed for quite some time, he attempts to leave when Manav enters the workplace referencing he can’t leave like this and would need to pay for his wrongdoings, he begins beating the specialist prior to requesting him to uncover the reality of his violations, the specialist is still peaceful yet Manav threatens to not be so thoughtful with him once more, Doctor kalay uncovers he was given cash to keep her in this state so she doesnot awaken, yet he never gave her any of the meds which Vibhav requested him to do as he felt that they were destructive, he just gave her resting pills in any case she is sound, Manav punches him prior to referencing she has endured a ton of agony so presently it is the ideal opportunity for her to return home, Manav helps Niharika jee walk and she is continually checking him out.

Yatharth and Ayesha are making cards when he asks how might the I love you look, she asks him ho is the card looking, she gets crying when Yatho wipes going her tears guaranteeing nothing remains to be stressed over, Yatho gets a text from his dad who requests that he let Ayesha know that her mom is returning, yatho goes to the mandir lauding Bhagwan for bringing back the mother of Ayesha as she is as yet crying yet would get glad in the wake of knowing the news, yatho specifies he has an uplifting news for Ayesha yet she should vow to give him a treat, Ayesha pursues requesting the news when he requests the desserts, Yatho causes her to eat them prior to going about as though he is miserable, she questions the explanation when he questions that she won’t invest a ton of energy with him, Ayesha doesnot comprehend, he illuminates since her mom will return so she would be occupied with her, Ayesha is as yet confused when yatho shows the text after which the two of them embrace one another.

Ayesha is remaining with yatho however she can’t hang tight for her, Yatho guarantees she will come actually soon while Ayesha sitting on the couch requests that he call her granddad asking when are they going to arrive at back, Yatho hurries to her illuminating that his Dada and Mr Holkar have returned, Ayesha acclaims Bhagwan jee.

Manav goes into the house with Niharika jee on the wheelchair, Ayesha is stunned seeing the state of her mom and Manav carries her to the corridor, Niharika jee doesnot even turn her face and is staying there, Manav sees Ayesha who calls Niharika, Mumma mentioning her to see her referencing she is her Aayu, however Niharika jee doesnot even answer, Ayesha questions Manav for what reason is she not perceiving her, Manav uncovers she has emerged from the jail of Vibhav following seven years o it will require her a greater investment to be typical.
Yet again ayesha begins sobbing, Yatho guarantees that she would perceive her after she gets fine, Sakshi mam additionally guarantees Ayesha to give their very best for help her, Mr Holkar inquires as to whether all is great with his little girl, the specialist makes reference to that he has checked her pulse and circulatory strain, which is fluctuating anyway he can’t let them know when she will awaken, Manav guarantees Mr Holkar that all eventual well from this point forward.

Vibhav is sitting while Akanksha is wheezing, Ranay calls Vibhav inquiring as to whether he had the option to accomplish the work, Vibhav answers it isn’t on the right track to put support on their wounds, he makes sense of their arrangement bombed as the individual who he expected to kick the bucket is wheezing and on the off chance that their arrangement bombs he would need to pay attention to her wheezes for his entire life, there is a chime ringing, Ranay salutes Vibhav making sense of the day has at long last shown up when he would have the option to demonstrate that Niharika mam is dead after which he would be the new supervisor of Holkar businesses. Specialist Kalay has arrived at the place of Manav when he gets a call from, Vibhav he gets strained believing in the event that he figures out they have lost Niharika jee, he would need to lose his life, Vibhav requests that he end the existence of Niharika as they donot have any need for her, he vows to give such a lot of cash that Doctor would require the machine at which the specialist says then he can likewise give the machine, the two of them begin snickering.
Precap: Yatharth is attempting to reassure Ayesha uncovering that her mom was hijacked however his mom passed on them to live with that individual, he wishes assuming his mom would likewise be like Niharika jee. Akanksha is sitting as the Haldi is being applied on all fours, Bubbly in shock requests that she see, she is dazed when the Haldi has become red.

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Tellyexpert Kaamna 7th June 2022

Kaamna 7th June 2022 updates

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