Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein 25th February 2020 Written Update | Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein Episodes Updates


Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein 25th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein 25-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Sujoy Bails Out Yogi

Airing Date: 25 February 2020

Full Written Update: 25-February-2020 Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein Episode Start with

Pari’s mother uncovers to Srivastav family that Pari is missing since morning. Kabir says she is in police home office and is getting back. Kusum asks how is Yogi, what did Sujoy says. Vivek says Sujoy is endeavoring to get Yogi’s bail.

Pari’s mother fume hearing that. Pari gets back. Mother asks as to for what reason did she go to police central station to support an executioner. Pari hollers to mind her tongue. Family amasses and Daadi asks what happened. Pari says her mother needn’t bother with her to meet Yogi as she considers him criminal and executioner. Mother says she didn’t suggest that. Kusum alerts her to set out not backtalk about her kid and demands her to get away from her home. Prakash in like manner alerts her to get out. She goes about as losing mindfulness. Sujoy while preparing omelet for himself drops spoon and recalls Pari. Mona requests status from Yogi’s case as he is sure Yogi can’t butcher anyone.

Sujoy says he is surprised seeing Pari’s tremendous love for Yogi. She asks with respect to whether he is burning. He says he is fascinated rather and will invest a valiant energy to get Yogi out, he got strip mall’s CCTV film and will dive something consequently. Seema gets focused on observing Gunjan crying over video call and requests Shiv to achieve something. Shiv says he is quiet as Srivastav family trusts Sujoy, but at this point will accept accountability. In lockup, Yogi recollects his love for Gunjan.

Also Read: Ishaaron Ishaaron Mein 24th February 2020 Written Update

Chadariya Jheeni Re far out. Gunjan in like manner cries recalling Yogi. Pari cries sitting in school van. Sujoy goes to center and questions expert about Rani’s chacha’s death. Expert says he was in incredibly essential condition after physical baiting. Sujoy says his progressing reporting time and after death uncovering time are remarkable. He resources wardboy hearing their conversation stowing endlessly and pulls him out. Wardboy cries that he didn’t do anything.

Sujoy asks how did Chacha kick the container. Wardboy says Yogi had come to see Chacha and investigated his condition. Sujoy says Yogi is idiotic and deef. Wardboy says he recorded it. Sujoy says he is oblivious. Expert says ward kid is a chaste man. Sujoy says he will find the clarification regardless. Shiv meets Srivastav family and wishes to get another lawful counsel for Yogi.

Dadaji says Sujoy is managing case and he trusts Sujoy. Shiv lights up that police tormented Yogi. Family furors and agrees to get another legitimate counsel. Bablu with Surjith enter playing drum. Prakash hollers at them. Bablu says its time for celebration and lifts Sujoy. Yogi walks around straightaway. Family praises seeing Yogi. Shiv apologizes Sujoy for confusion him. Family expresses profound gratitude to Sujoy.

Sujoy says its a family case now. Nisha says Pari’s family is Sujoy’s family. Pari leaves energetic. Rani cries inquisitive regarding whether he is fine. He hails her to not cry, by then goes to Gunjan and signs that he loves her. Kabir says everyone are here, and Nisha abuse to go their room. Prakash asks Bablu and Surjith to continue playing drum. Kusum says let Yogi have sustenance first. Yogi glance through Pari.

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