Imlie 30th January 2024 Episode Written Update (30/1/2024)


Imlie 30th January 2024 Written Episode Update,
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Episode Name: Biswa helps Agasyta.

Imlie Air Date :Imlie 30th January 2024

Full Written Update:Imlie 30/1/2024 Episode Start with Argument between Agastya and Biswa. The doctor told Agasyta that Imlie will need blood and her blood type is AB negative. Biswa told the doctor that she will donate blood because she has the same blood type. Doctor tells Agasyta that Imlie is lucky. Agasyta explains to his family why Imlie came for him with a bullet. Amma ji tries to console Agasyta and tells him to calm down. Amma ji tells Agastya that Imlie is a disciple of Radha Rani and nothing will happen to her. Agasyta tells Amma ji that he can’t do anything to save her as she is in ICU. Sonali, Govind tells Agasyta that they will do a lot with Imlie and nothing will happen to Imlie.

The doctor tells the Chaudharys that Imlie is out of danger. Agasyta thanked Biswa for donating his blood. Biswa tells Agasyta that he does not need his thanks. Agasyta tells Biswa that he loves Imlie and that is why he is saving her life. Biswa refused and asked Agasyta to leave. Agasyta tells Biswa that he will not blame her because Imlie has such a good character that anyone can love her. Of course, they will search outside and find a list of Imlie’s lovers.

Agasyta tells Biswa that Imlie loves only him and advises him that Imlie is with him. Agasyta told Biswa that for donating the blood, he owed him and he could ask him anything. Biswa tells Agastya that he is gathering hope now for himself. Biswa tells Agasyta that this time he saved Imlie but next time how will he manage to save her because he has a friend who is helping the killer, he asks Agasyta to think.

Agasyta and Biswa heard Dolly talking to the killer on the phone. Dolly apologizes to Agasyta and tells her that her killer kidnapped her husband, leading her to commit the crime. Agasyta asks Dolly where her killer is. Dolly tells Agastya that she knows where her killer is. Agasyta tells Dolly that he will help her save her husband. Biswa tells Agastya that he will stay with him and Agasyta refuses to take him. Biswa reminds Agasyta that he owes him and that he will also come with him. Dolly tells Agasyta that because of this, Imlie is in the hospital. Agasyta tells Dolly that he did this to save his love. Dolly tells Agasyta to drive fast and reach everywhere. Agasyta told Dolly to stay in the car because it was a dangerous place. Agasyta and Biswa slowly entered to look.

Agasyta and Biswa started arguing again about Imlie. Biswa tells Agastya that he should print on the t-shirt that Imlie is his property. Biswa tells Agasyta that he will not tell anything to Imlie otherwise she will love him. Agasyta tells Biswa that he will tell Imlie the truth about himself so that Imlie will love him. The killer leaves and the two enter the room where Dolly’s husband is being held. Agasyta and Biswa find Sangram. The killer enters the room and finds them. Biswa shot the assailant and fled the scene. Dolly saw her killer coming towards her. Dolly opens the car door and hits the killer with the car door.

Dolly tells the killer that because of this, Imlie is in the hospital. Dolly pushes back the mask and recognizes her killer. The killer recognizes Dolly and runs away. Agasyta picks up Dolly and decides to take her to the hospital. Biswa and Sangram run for Imlie. Agasyta tells Biswa that they will rush Dolly to the hospital and takes the car. Dolly tells Biswa that she saw the face of her killer. The biswa tells Agasya to make it with Sangram when he will wait for his team review. The Biswa open the house and find a picture.

Biswa called Pandey and asked him to help him in the murder case. Biswa asked Pandey to get information about the children. Sonali came to the hospital and asked what about doing Dolly. Agasya tells Snali seeing the weather that is dead at this time is the bussa that supports the doctor. Biswa tells Imlie what he is doing to save her. Agasyta asks Sonali what is the secret of the lock. Amar tells Agasyta that something is inside the hole and opens the lid. Thank you Amar. Biswa took Imlie slowly.

Agasyta goes to see Imlie and finds that Imlie is missing. Agasyta starts shouting that Imlie is missing. Agasyta tells Biswa that Imlie is missing. Biswa told Agasyta that he called Imlie because her life was in danger and the person who killed her was a family member. Agasyta asks Biswa where he is going to Imlie. Amma explained to Govind why Biswa called their daughter-in-law. Govind tells Amma ji how Biswa said that the person who killed him was from the family. Alka shouts at Navya.

Imlie 31th January 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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