Imlie 27th January 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Imlie 27th January 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Imlie

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Ithian Stathard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 27,January, 2022

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Imlie January 27th, 2022 Written Update Episode Start with.Imlie requesting that Aryan completion the sentence. Aryan says he will tell later. Imlie tells him yo follow her. She inquires as to whether it will hurt his self image. He dislike that. He reviews Arvind’s mishap and stops. Imlie advises him to pick up the pace. He sees a woman selling vermilion. She demands him to get one. Aryan reviews his sister is widow so he gets one.

Because of tempest Imlie advises Aryan to track down Aditya straightaway. Aryan goes with her. Meethi stresses for Imlie seeing the tempest. Imlie reviews the previous episode when she got hitched to Aditya in this turbulent evening. Aryan proposes her to go through the night elsewhere as they must choose between limited options. Imlie says this tempest can’t stop her. Aryan becomes distraught at her colloquialism she can’t battle with this large number of typhoon, storms and so on She actually leaves and tumbles down. Aryan assists her with getting up. Imlie checks out him and Aryan causes her to comprehend that she needs to deal with herself first then no one but she can track down Aditya.

He sees a hovel and advises Imlie to go there with him. Imlie denies saying she can’t do this as the set of experiences will rehash like last year when she got hitched to Aditya. Aryan shows her a tree which has transformed into a major one inside a year. He says Imlie is a free young lady now, noone can stop her as she is solid not an uneducated young lady. She ought not get terrified of locals. They at long last go inside the cabin to take cover. Imlie lights the tropical storm and Aryan lights the forest. He advises her to sit close to the fire else she will get cold. Imlie sits. Aryan inquires as to whether she is feeling hungry. She says no. She asks something very similar.

They hear an odd sound emerging from Aryan’s stomach. Aryan beginnings singing to redirect his brain. Imlie feels abnormal and prods him. She says he really wants food at this moment. Aryan says it’s simply an ailment nothing else. She goes to track down nourishment for him in spite of his disavowal. Imlie brings yam for himself and he believes its a rodent. Imlie clarifies its a vegetable.

Aryan will not eat when Imlie begins eating. She says love will not develop between them assuming he eats her yam. Aryan actually denies and Imlie compels him. He runs from her and coincidentally tosses the vermilion at her. They get stunned. Imlie gets helped to remember the past occurrence. Aryan drops the vermilion box.

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