Imlie 23th February 2024 Episode Written Update (23/2/2024)


Imlie 23th February 2024 Written Episode Update,Star Plus“Imlie 23th February 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Surya is Agasyta’s twin brother?

Imlie Air Date:Imlie 23th February 2024

Full Written Update:Imlie 23/2/2024 Episode Start with Surya comes to Chaudhary’s mansion for shopping but doesn’t see anyone. Imlie closes the door and tells Surya that she wants to see him in the whole house. Surya tells Imlie that he will buy a house today. Imlie tells Surya that the mall has been changed and she throws the key in the window to keep Surya from leaving. Imlie gets a call from Sonal that no one came to the sale and it seems that today has been cancelled.

Imlie tells Sonali that in the meantime, they will have time to take the house back to themselves, but Malti suddenly comes to sell. Malti tells the caller that she came to the auction in the name of Surya Pratap Reddy. Everyone was surprised to see Malti. Imlie hears about Malti on phone and is surprised to hear about Malti.

Surya shows a smile to Imlie and tries to steal her phone. Surya tells Imlie that Radha Rani performed a miracle and she should think before entering the policeman’s house. Surya brings back Imlie’s nose ring which he left at his house last night. Surya thanks Imlie for saving his money as his sister is the only seller and he will buy the cheap house. Imlie tells Surya that she will not do this and she will do something. Surya reminds Imlie that she threw the key outside.

The market starts between Malti and Sonali. Imlie tries to run away from the house and starts provoking Imlie. Imlie finds an open window but Surya locks the window and tells her that she is not going anywhere. Mano also joins the auction to save the house but Malti makes big money but Govind aslo joins the bid. Malti stepped up and got the house in the name of Surya Pratap Reddy. Surya tells Imlie that his sister bought the house. Surya asks Imlie how Amma will react if she comes to know that someone like Gattu will throw them out of the house. Imlie asks and turns her hand to leave the house. Surya tells Imlie that he is begging other people but he doesn’t want her to fail. Surya tells Imlie that he will not go anywhere without meeting Agasyta’s family. Surya opened the door with a pin of Imlie’s hair. The Chaudharys come home. Binni asks Paro to bring water for everyone. Surya surprises Chaudhary by coming forward. Amma ji comes to touch Surya as she thinks her Gattu is back. Amma ji loses consciousness but Surya catches her. Sonali asks Imlie who she is. Imlie tells Sonali that she is not Agasyta. Imlie tells Sonali that this man is not good. Mano asks Alka how is it possible that two men have the same face but are not related.

Alka remembers that once she stole a baby. Surya introduces himself to the Chaudharys and tells them that he is new to Purwaiya but he wants to know why there is a surprise to see him. Surya asks Govind who Gattu is. Govind shows Agasyta’s photo to Surya. Surya tells Govind that he can’t believe it. Surya tells Govind that if he had known them earlier, he would not have bought the house. Govind tells Surya that they will leave home today but Surya tells Govind to leave home tomorrow. Amma ji tells Surya that he is very beautiful but she wants to spend the night here with them.

Imlie 24th February 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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