Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 3rd June 2022 Written Episode Update

Fanaa - Ishq Mein Marjawan

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By TellyExpert: “Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan” 3rd June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan

Timings On TV: All times are in the 3rd June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 3rd June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 3rd June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Meera getting frightened on seeing Agastya. The last option moves his hand. A duppata falls around Meera’s neck and strangulate her. Pakhi is shown holding that duppata. Pakhi makes Meera fall and Pakhi and Agastya leave from that point. Meera gets down on Yug. The last option comes hearing Meera’s yell. Meera says that Agastya attempted to strangulate her with the duppata. Yug says that no is here. All come there. Meera says that Agastya needs to kill her, he is there. Dadi says that Meera is lying. Mona says that perhaps Pakhi is correct, Agastya returned for retribution. She says that they need to sort out a puja for him. Yug says that they are talking garbage.

The morning Yug comes to Meera and says that he has uplifting news. He says that he conversed with the legal advisor and they will get the property by today. Meera gets happy and embraces Yug. She says that all her pressure evaporated in the wake of hearing this uplifting news. She says that she won’t get back to this chateau in the wake of getting the cash. She can hardly stand by get freed off them all. Pakhi gets stressed.

Pakhi is in call with Agastya through bluetooth She says that she doesn’t have any idea how Meera will manage her folks in the wake of getting the properties. Agastya guarantees her that nothing will happen to her folks and says that he will stay true to his obligation of proctecting her folks. He adds that they need to begin the arrangement. Agastya comes camouflaged as concealed man. He cuts a few wire in the vehicle and blends something in the water bottle.

Yug and Meera prepare to go to the attorney office for properties move. Yug tells Pakhi to show up with them. On their way Meera gripe that the AC isn’t working. She takes the water to drink, however she set it back as it smells awful. Pakhi says that her mother used to say that one ought to hydrate in the wake of eating sleek food else negative energy will get drawn in towards something similar. Meera promptly hydrates.

Yug is examining with the attorney about property move. Meera sees Agastya there and gets frightened. She yells that Agastya needs to kill her. She acts viciously and slaps the legal advisor. Yug apologize to them and says that Meera got a shock. Meera yells at Yug for saying ‘sorry’ to them. She continues to rehash that Agastya’s apparition is behind her to kill him. Pakhi imagines that Meera used to play with Agastya’s emotional well-being similarly and trusts that she would have figured out his agony now.

The legal counselor calls the security and says to attach Meera to the seat. Yug attempts to make sense of them. The legal advisor says that Meera is deranged, so she can’t deal with Agastya’s business in this state. He leaves. Meera’s attorney shares with Yug that Meera’s way of behaving got kept in CCTV cameras, so evaluator won’t allow the properties to get moved on her name, so they need to demonstrate that she’s intellectually steady. He leaves. Yug says that Meera is fine, this is somebody’s arrangement. He questions that somebody probably blended something in hervfood or the water. Not entirely settled to think that it is out.

The specialist tells Yug that he found no medication follows in her blood, she is certainly lost her mental stability. Yug won’t completely accept that this and expresses him to re-try the test. Specialist concurs and leaves. Yug sees the specialist showing approval to somebody and checks to whom, yet he neglects to see Pakhi. Mona brings a laurel of lemon and bean stew and attempts to put it around Meera’s neck.

Meeea acquires her awareness and asks what she’s doing. Mona says that she heard that she acted savagely in the legal advisor office. She says that she should be moved by Agastya’s apparition so she acted that way. She expresses her to sport lemon and bean stew festoon. Mona leaves when Yug comes there. Meera inquires as to whether the properties got moved. She says that she remembers nothing subsequent to seeing Agastya’s apparition.

Yug says that the properties didn’t get moved, however he will track down a way. Meera says that she saw truly Agastya through of the window. Yug says that somebody is playing with her brain. Meera says that it implies somebody is tricking her. Yug gestures yes. She asks how he think that it is out. Yug looks on grinning. Pakhi misses her folks and converses with their photograph. Yug comes to Pakhi. He expresses her to take care of Meera as he is going out. Yug feels that the people who are doing this will get found out in their next plan. Pakhi considers executing the following arrangement.

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Tellyexpert Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 3rd June 2022

Fanaa – Ishq Mein Marjawan 3rd June 2022 updates

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