Faltu 5th May 2023 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Faltu 5th May 2023 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Faltu

Timings On TV: All times are on the 5th May (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 5th May 2023

Country: India


Today’s Content: Faltu 5th May 2023 Written Update Episode starts with Tanisha says you know me well, I will make this party unforgettable for the whole family. Faltu says I know, but I want to let your cheap plan affect my family. Tanisha says time will tell. Tanisha leaves while Faltu waits as Taisha doesn’t reveal anything when I try hard to motivate. Faltu is worried about Ayaan. Ayaan is unable to find the useful file, Ayaan thinks of a way to get out of the room or else he will be arrested. Tanisha calms down Kanika and Sid. Tanisha says I think you are worrying unnecessarily, while Faltu is worried about my plans for the party, so I don’t think they are ready for anything if that Ayaan would be the ruler, he would have done. Here, Ayaan listens as everyone leaves and the office closes.

Ayaan gets worried thinking that the main door is the only exit and it is closing and now the AC will be off as well. All the employees leave while Bandish worries about Ayaan as he has not left the office. Gaurd asks Bandish to leave now that the office is closed. Bandish tries to call Ayaan but his phone is switched off. Created by Tanisha and Faltu. Faltu is always on the phone. After some time Faltu saw her face and reprimanded the makeup artist for making fun of her face. Faltu said I am not stupid for not understanding you and making me look like a native. Tanisha says there is no such thing. Faltu says don’t do something clean, you are not young. Tanisha scolded the makeup artist. The makeup artist says you’re always on the phone so I can’t say which one is best.

Tanisha asks her makeup artist to do Faltu’s makeup. Faltu asked me to wash my face. Fall out. Tanisha think what is it? Faltu has distractions. Tanisha is worried. Bandish thinks Ayaan is lucky to have given me madam’s number. Bandish calls Faltu. Faltu is relieved to talk to Bandish but then worries to learn that Ayaan is stuck in the document room. Bandish says guard won’t let me inside. Faltu decides to go to the office to save Ayaan. The ceremony starts and someone asks Kanika about Janardhan, so Kanika asks Savita to call Janardhan immediately. Savita goes to meet Faltu on the way. Savita Faltu seeds are not ready and ask why you are not ready? And where are you going? Faltu says I will explain all this later, give me some time. Faltu leaves. Outside the office, Bandish meets Faltu.

Bandish tells Faltu the whole situation. Faltu asking to enter through the back door? Bandish says no, the stairs only go to the council house window but there is CCTV so I can’t go there. Faltu says this is the only way I have left now. Faltu enters and knocks in the classroom and speaks to Ayaan. Ayaan is relieved that it is Faltu and tells him to take the gaurd key. Faltu was worried when he saw the guard put all the keys on top of where he was sitting. Here Sumitra tells Kanika, Tanisha and Sid that Faltu is missing and now Faltu and Ayaan are not there. Kanika asks Sid if he knows Ayaan is not in office. Sid says yes, of course, because the CCTV and all parts of the company have been checked.

Kanika says I made it clear to Janardhan about bail for leaving the reception, Ayaan will not forget it like that. Sumitra asks what did he have with Janardhan that helped him threaten him? Kanika was silent. Tanisha gets scared and says if both of them don’t, my plan will fail. Faltu pretends to be a ghost to scare the guard. Faltu gets the key and saves Ayaan. They both leave. They also thank Bandish and Bandish leaves. Ayaan says how he can’t find any useful book. Faltu says ok, we have to go back to our family, we can’t leave them alone in this mess. Ayaan welcomed them home.

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Tellyexpert Faltu 5th May 2023

Faltu 5th May 2023 update

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