Choti Sardarni 29th January 2021 Written Update

choti sardarni Written Update

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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Choti Sardarni 29th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Choti Sardarni

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  29, January, 2021

January 29, 2021: Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Sarab leaves. Sarab makes a heart. Meher grins. Sarab leaves. Jagga gives a blessing to Yuvi. Yuvi says I love you, dad. You’re really great. He says however I will possibly open it when you and bua say me cheerful birthday together. Kulwant says what? Jagga is exceptionally cheerful. He sings with Rana and Bitu. Bitu is disturbed. Jagga and Rana make him snicker. He says yes Rana is your sibling. I’m your stepbrother. Jagga says he generally gets possessive. Jagga says you both are my shoulders.

He embraces the two of them. Kulwant says yes siblings love one another, nobody recollects the old mother. They all say how.. They embrace Kulwant. They pick and swing her. Everybody snickers. Amrita says go quick. Jagga embraces Yuvi and says there is an enormous astonishment for you.Meher embraces Karan and says I will return quick. Karan holds her dupatta. Meher picks him. Meher says to Param I am going out. Deal with Karan.Jagga grins at Amrita and says make my mouth sweet. She go quick.

Fare thee well. He leaves. Jagga says my eye harms. Amrita says are you OK.. She checks.. Jagga kisses her. Amrita says you.. somebody could see. Meher embraces the two children and leaves. Param says I will hang tight for you. Jagga says hang tight for me. I will meet Mehre and return. Meher says sit tight for me. I will return. The two of them leave. Yuvi calls Param. Param says what is recipe 2? He says what’s going on here? Yuvi says I will say that I swear on me you should call Meher bua. Yuvi says ask Meher bua the equivalent.Meher and Yuvi Jagga are on their way. Amrita calls Meher. Meher says don’t stress, I will settle everything today. Amrita says Jagga was exceptionally glad today after numerous days.

Meher says prepare. Wear his number one dress. He will be upbeat. He will embrace you. Amrita says you’re insane. Go quick at this point.Meher drives. Amrita says I am hanging tight for you come soon. Meher shows up where Jagga is standing. Meher says Veer ji sorry. Meher hurries to him and says I realized you would excuse me since you’re my number one sibling. She reviews their youth minutes. She reviews when she got hitched. Jagga is crying. He opens his arms. Meher runs and embraces him.

He sees little Meher coming to him also. Meher says currently mention to me what’s the amazement.. She embraces him. Meher sees him wounded. SHe’s stunned. Jagga tumbles down. There’s blood on Meher’s hands. Meher is stunned. Meher shouts Veer ji.. Meher shouts. Jagga is taking his final gasps. Meher cries and says Veer ji.. If you don’t mind say something. He says pardon me. Continuously stay glad. Meher says nothing will happen to you. Jagga bites the dust. Meher shouts. Meher says please get up. If it’s not too much trouble She embraces him.

Police get a report that there’s a homicide behind atari transport stand. They reach there. Meher is crying. Investigator comes to Meher. Monitor says both killer and casualty are here. You will be locked up. Meher is stunned. Meher says accomplished something occur? Assessor says you figured you would murder him here and we won’t know? Meher says murder.. She’s lost. Meher says who did I murder? examiner says we are not dolts. You have killed Jagga and we are here to capture you.In Progress…

Choti Sardarni, 29th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni, 29 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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