Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai 22nd November 2022 Written Episode Update

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By TellyExpert: “Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai 22nd November 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai

Timings On TV: All times are on the 22nd November (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 22nd November 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai 22nd November 2022 Written Update Episode starts with…

Indu lets Asha know that she won’t allow anything to happen to her and embraces her. Ritesh tells that he can’t take a chance by leaving Sameer outside so he will converse with Magistrate to capture Sameer. Indu chooses to take Asha out however Vivek tells that they need to take Asha to home. Asha will not leave the spot which stuns and befuddles everybody. Indu asks her what is she talking about.

Asha asks what they will receive consequently assuming they brings her back home. Indu and Vivek tells that Sameer will be rebuffed harshly. Asha asks after that what occur? Ritesh lets that he comprehends know Asha saying and tells Kadambari will utilize her leverage to rescue Sameer and the two of them will indeed design something against them and their life will be in danger. Vivek asks what he is talking about. Ritesh tells on the off chance that they leave Asha here, Sameer and Kadambari will think the two of them are in charge and try to avoid panicking meawhile they will get some time. However, indu inquires as to why they need time.

Ritesh tells her they need to demonstrate Asha and Kadambari is step sisters and Vinod Patel is their dad. Asha says for this one of them needs to go to Bangalore. Indu requests what reason. Asha tells every one of her archives are there as it were. Indu tells they can get the records however she can’t place her life in risk. Asha begs Indu to figure out the circumstance and consents to this. Ritesh additionally vows not to allow anything to happen to Asha so requests that she concur with this arrangement.

Indu cries and says she can’t seriously endanger her life. Asha and Ritesh persuades Indu. Vivek stresses Sameer could figure out they broke the lock. Ritesh recommends to purchase a lock comparable and keep one key with them likewise requests that Indu supplant Sameer’s keys with their’s which Indu concurs. Vivek proposes to ensure the room remains how it looked like previously. He additionally tells that he won’t allow anything to happen to Asha. Ritesh acclaims Asha for her grit. Asha tells that she will do anything for Zoon. Indu and Asha shares an embrace and gets profound.

Vivek meets Indu in Malhotra’s house and tells that he brought another lock like the past one. Indu stresses that Sameer might find out however Vivek guarantees her nothing suvh will not occur and requests that she supplant the keys without Sameer’s information. Indu obliges. Vivek then, at that point, enquires about Ritesh and Indu illuminates him that he went Bangalore with Rahul. She then, at that point, shares her stresses over Asha’s security. Vivek tells her that he won’t allow anything to happen to Asha and he will be around Asha additionally advises his arrangement to give her one more versatile to reach him whenever.

Vivek then, at that point, requests that Indu be mindful then leaves the spot. Vivaan emerges and sees Vivek. He gets some information about Vivek visiting the house. Indu lets Vivaan know what occurred. She then lets him know that she needs to trade the keys. Vivaan guarantees Indu to trade the keys and requests that he set up a party to say thanks to him. Indu concurs. Vivaan goes to Sameer’s room. Sameer in his inebriated state tells that he won’t extra anybody. Vivaan ponders where to track down the keys. He then, at that point, chooses to find the keys which Sameer must kept it in his wallet so he looks for his wallet. Sameer holds Vivvan’s hand and the last option gets stressed however at that point eliminates his hand from Sameer’s. Sameer turns the opposite side.

Vivaan sees his wallet under the pad. He trades the key and gets cheerful. Later Asha sees somebody is opening the entryway and gets remembered tracking down Vivek. She communicates something very similar to Vivek. She additionally says thanks to Vivek for dealing with Sunita and Rajender and wishes to meet them. Vivek tells her that Rajender sent nourishment for her additionally the way in which Sunita blow up with her choice to put her life in extreme danger so they can bring back Zoon from Sameer and Kadambari.

After heaps of clarification and influence just Sunita concurs with her choice that too pitifully. Asha communicates the amount she misses Sunita and Rajender. Vivek apologizes to Asha expressing due to him just she is compelled to reveal her personality additionally put her life in danger. Asha asks him not to and says that she can cheerfully forfeit her life for Zoon and family. Vivek asks her not to say anything such and guarantees her he will save her at any expense.

Sameer comes to where he kept Asha. However, he converses with Kadambari on the call and guarantees her that he will ensure Asha signs the papers. He moves toward the entryway which is in open state. Inside the room Vivek gives Asha a versatile in an off condition and requests to contact on the off chance that she feels something is off-base. He then, at that point, requests that she have food.

Asha stresses that Sameer can come here whenever. Vivek guarantees her assuming anything such happens he will deal with the circumstance. Sameer who is available to work with Kadambari moving toward the entryway understands that he neglect to bring the papers so he goes out to bring. In the interim Vivek emerges and gets stunned seeing Sameer moving toward the entryway so he locks the entryway and conceals himself. Sameer opens the lock and goes inside utilizing that open door Vivek leaves the spot.

Later Indu is available to work with Vivek picks up all that and gets remembered they are protected at this point. She additionally lets him know that she got no data from Ritesh once she learns she will tell him without a doubt. Cart asks Indu for what good reason she didnt told her anything and says they are family and family is to assist each other in times with preferring this. Zoon comes from school and calls Indu. Cart asks Zoon what occurred in the interest of Indu. Zoon tells the school requested that she change her name and gives the structure. Indu gets stunned seeing the papers. Zoon tells that she prefers her name so she dont need to transform it. Indu advises Cart to inquire as to whether she have confidence in both her genie father and mouj? Zoon gestures yes. Indu guarantees then her name wont change.

Ritesh comes there with records and guarantees something very similar to Zoon. Zoon gets blissful and says thanks to Ritesh. Ritesh wishes to embrace Zoon so Cart does it for him then, at that point, takes Zoon inside. Indu gets blissful seeing Asha’s birthcertificate and the wide range of various records to demonstrate Asha is Vinod Patel’s little girl. She embraces Ritesh out of satisfaction. Ritesh wonders whether or not to embrace her back. Indu understands and makes a distance between them. The two of them takes a gander at one another.

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