Bhagya Lakshmi 16th Feburary 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bhagya Lakshmi 16th Feburary 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name:Bhagya Lakshmi

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Istian Stastath Time)

Telecast Days: Mothay To Friday

Air Date: 16,Feburary, 2022

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content:Bhagya Lakshmi Feburary 16th, 2022 Written Update Episode Start wist. Lakshmi giving the card says it is for Malishka when Rishi answers he doesnot know who it is for, the two of them are sobbing, Neelum is playing out the pooja in the Mandir when Virender asks for what reason is she playing out the pooja right now, he goes to his mom asking how is Neelum treating she says that Neelum is doing this in light of the Markesh dosh of Rishi as she feels that something wrong will occur with Rishi as Lakshmi disappeared from their home, Virender makes reference to she does a great deal for him however on the off chance that she was able, would change the Kundali and take the Markeshdosh for herself, his mom specifies that she would now be feeling a ton since the Lakshmi sent by Bhagwan has left them, Neelum really wants that Lakshmi should return yet not on the grounds that she cherishes her, he says that since she is the safeguard of Rishi. Virender asks his mom that in their way of life a spouse is the person who generally deals with his significant other and is there for her however in their home Rishi has done the specific inverse, he has harmed Lakshmi and presently he asks that Rishi understands his misstep when his mom answers she realize she truly feels awful for what has occurred. Virender clarifies if so then, at that point, today is the day for his atonement.

Rishi attempts to wipe the tears of Lakshmi yet she dismisses remaining against the corner, he guarantees he will do nothing yet she should herself clear off her tears, he guarantees he never intended to hurt her yet doesnot know how she got the card, Lakshmi says he is consistently the explanation she gets injured, he attempts to reject it yet she demands he is the explanation, he continually attempts to get close to her to clear off the tears however she continues to whip his hand, he at last powers her against the divider, attempting to wipe the tears.Ayush is strolling when he chances upon Shalu so she hits her head against the divider, he quickly requests that she come and sit with him since he will actually want to help her.

Rishi tells Lakshmi he never needed to hurt her, Lakshmi answers briefly she felt that he said everything for her yet at the other second idea they are her affections for himself and how she adored her, yet as a general rule these are his affections for Malishka as she most likely is aware he cherishes her a ton, she questions for what reason did he say he doesn’t have any idea when she asked who the card was, he attempts to clarify when Lakshmi specifies she is certain this card is for Malishka in any event, when he doesnot know himself, Lakshmi leaves however doesnot even pay attention to Rishi.

Aayush is helping Shalu when she questions for what reason does he not look where he is going, he says that he is in any event, saying ‘sorry’ to her for everything that has occurred yet she is showing him such a lot of mentality, he asks her where was she lost since he saw it, Shalu thinks how she went to Lakshmi yet she said that the card has a place with another person, Shalu leaves referencing she doesnot even need to chat with him, she leaves when he says he said that Shalu is an incredible name.

Malishka is strolling when she catchs a representative and questions why everybody is hitting her today, the burglars clarify she is a similar young lady who acted up with their chief, the young lady specifies she is a witch since it is obvious from her conduct and she doesnot appear to be a great young lady, Malishka requests that the worker give her the documents she really wants to proceed to ask Rishi for what reason he opened a record with Lakshmi.

The looter stretches a go beyond signal so they race into the director lodge, requesting her to give the expert key for the storage, she attempts to utilize her versatile however they discarding it caution her to do nothing dubious, she gives them the key from the storage yet in addition figures out how to conceal a key, they don’t release them yet slice the links to the telephone Rishi is pursuing Lakshmi mentioning her to stop yet she doesnot tune in and continues to flee, he questions for what reason is she not halting, he causes her to swear on his life to stop so she can’t make a stride ahead, she begins crying then, at that point, goes to take a gander at Rishi, he comes to

Lakshmi guaranteeing he won’t commit an error yet she ought not go without finishing, she says he ought to not get it done at any point down the road since she won’t acknowledge the pledge, he begins grinning when she questions for what reason is he so confounded in light of the fact that when she was with him then he raced to Malishka anyway Rishi shouts he was generally with her inquiring as to whether she recalls when they were at the shopping center, he left Malishka and came to her, he was dependably with her at every single party so she can’t fault him like this, he possibly wants to remain with her when Lakshmi makes reference to she doesnot need to converse with him in any event, when he is so befuddled, he questions on the off chance that she would not remain with him when he says he is certain she will likewise stop assuming he makes her swear.

Lakshmi makes reference to for what reason is he causing her to feel remorseful when she has gone out, he says she has not gone out and is as yet in the room, he has even quit resting in the room since he generally sees her. Lakshmi questions how treats need when he says he just needs her, she illuminates he can’t be appropriate for everybody as he ought to just reside with Malishka, He father used to say that one ought to gain from their slip-ups however it isn’t all in all correct to rehash it, she has advanced and afterward asks Shalu where she is since they are leaving, Shalu sees the firearms so begins shouting when she even requests that the gatekeepers help them yet the burglars can over drive him, individuals begin running when they say that nobody should move,

Lakshmi sees Shalu and attempts to proceed to help her yet Aayush figures out how to take her to an office and stows away under the table. Rishi likewise takes Lakshmi to the meeting room when she demands going out, he illuminates they should stay concealed since a burglary is continuing however in the event that she makes a commotion, they will doubtlessly come to get them.The pioneer sends his men to proceed to check the bank, they can observe Malishka and take her out when the looters say that they have come to do a burglar so on the off chance that they corporate them would not get injured. They even take the mobiles of everybody.

Rishi is with Lakshmi higher up when he prevents her from going out illuminating it is truly perilous, she says that her sister is first floor, so she really wants to proceed to save her, she doesnot stop when Rishi attempts to illuminate her, he thinks about what sort of young lady she is.The pioneer is sitting when he is educated that each room is shut and ,surprisingly, the links have been cut. Nonetheless, they are indeed shipped off actually look at the bank.Aayush and Shalu are both concealing when they make a clamor which the burglars hear, they then, at that point, come inside attempting to look through the workplace anyway the two of them are truly frightened.

Lakshmi is attempting to go down the stairs to the bank when Rishi additionally comes and he pulls her to the room shutting it, the burglars figure out how to observe Aayush and Shalu, he prevents them from contacting Shalu when the looter inquires as to whether she is his sweetheart, Aayush illuminates she is only his companion, Malishka hearing them figures he should call Shalu as his companion before his mom.

Rishi is with Lakshmi who questions how is he treating, notice she would have an authentication of naan throws, she doesnot know what he is talking about and specifies naan is a bread anyway he then, at that point, clarifies she would be a dark belt in karate, or knows how to utilize a blade, she declines of knowing whatever when he says that this is the thing he is attempting to say since, in such a case that she goes ground floor then, at that point, would likewise be taken as a prisoner so in the event that they need to help, ought to get it done for everybody, she asks how would she be able to treat he clarifies she can do nothing without anyone else, illuminating she would not have the option to save her sister, Lakshmi begins crying
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