Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th Mar 2020 Written Update :Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai (17/3/2020)

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th March 2020 written update, “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai &TV Serial” episode 17 Mar 2020 written update” Reading and Stay With

Current Episode Title: Tiwari Faces Hit Talking To Anu

Serial Schedule & Channel: 17/3/2020 & &TV

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Update: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17-3-2020 Full Episode Written Update

Anu open as necessities be with Meenal says yes im taking auto, Tiwari jumps in and says im sorry to bob in like this, the TCO was around you, anyway I can hold up under the expense of not at all like Vibhu,Anu reproves him for pulling Vibhu and Calling him jobless.

Also Read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 16th Mar 2020 Written Update

Angoori singing tune, Vibhu walks in,TCO nearby her, Vibhu says to him if I speak with her in correspondence through signals I won’t be charged right, he says right. Vibhu tires visiting with Angoori in signal based correspondence. Angoori confounds him and thinks Vibhu is endeavoring to state he is having gas issues and starts giving him advices.

Anu shows up at home close by Tiwari decrying Tiwari for nudging Vibhu, Anu moves toward the sum to pay for ride, auto driver clears his face spread and says 25₹ for you maam and 25000 for sir. Anu says he will give you don’t worry,Tiwari give my 25 close by your 25000.

Vibhu and Tiwari drinking and censuring BST, and offer feelings. Saxena walks around them and asks whats the issue, Tiwari says BST, Saxena says im a CA and I havany condition to save obligations, Vibhu will send message to Angoori bhabhi from Tiwari and the opposite way around. Tiwari and Vibhu like the idea.

Youngsters drinking, Teeka says that lady was so lovely, Tilu says stay away it will cost us BST, the lady crosses again and drops her pack, Teeka banters with her.

Angoori reproves Tiwari says for what reason are you talking with Anu when its costing you to such a degree. Anu scolda Vibhu same. Angoori says talk with me no convincing motivation to banter with Anu, enough of spending. Anu says to Vibhuti you wont even gander at her,i cant bear the expense of this any more.

TCO walks around youngsters and says you are accused 5000 for bantering of her, youngsters state we have no money,he says rob,steal do anything other than I need money. Tilu pays.

Anu available if the need emerges with Meenal says thos BST is so bemeficial, Tiwari’s pointless visits are ended and Vibhu achieves all work on time. Tiwari and Vibhu walk around, Tiwari starts speaking with Anu through Vibhu,TCO says phenomenal circle whole. Vibhu keeps meddling.

Tiwari having tea with Angooris TCO, Vibhu walks around, Vibhu starts battling with TCO and hollers at him, Vibhu says call Angoori bhabhi I have to talk with her, Tiwari says she is involved, Vibhu says neglected that I let you chat with Anu. Tiwari calls Angoori,Vibhu encourages his arrangement to TCO,he says remarkable stipulation.

Also Read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th Feb 2020 Written Update


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