Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th June 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 11, June, 2021

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai June 11th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Prem and Tiwari sitting in hotel. Prem says to Tiwari Anu saving some push to come since Its so much splendid. Tiwari says why are you terrified of sun. Prem says why are you vexed on me. Tiwari says you think you are alluring and holds his collar. Anu walks around them. Prem ask as to why did you call me. Anu says didn’t Tiwari prompt you, you understand Vibhu is jobless and tragic and he has hitched again. Prem says I was shocked when he married you and now another. Anu says I need to give him taste of his prescription. Prem ask how should I help you. Anu says I need us to act like married couple. Tiwari getting bothered and insults Prem.

Anu ask Tiwari to shutup and asks Prem is he in for it. Prem answers yes. Anu says we need to get another space for our exhibition. Prem say I just talked with Gupta he is having and space. Anu demands that Tiwari do her one gift, she mentioned that Tiwari go a solicitation that Angoori visit old market. Tiwari demands what. Anu says I need Angoori to see me and Prem and make assumptions. Tiwari says uncover to me one thing didn’t you track down some other alluring individual. Anu says this is certifiably not an ideal chance to discuss this.

Tiwari in his room aggravated accessible to come in to work with Agrawal. Angoori come and ask as to why are you so bothered. Tiwari says we are standing up to enormous disaster nobody however god can help us now. Angoori say why getting god between will he continue to say to shop from you. Tiwari says I tended to Ammaji and she says our business has a smell eye. Angoori saya how should we discard it. Tiwari says you need to go to old market asylum and petition. Angoori says I’ll go right away.

Anu and prem together at chaat delayed down. Prem says I don’t figure Angoori will come. Anu says I understand she will come and you are short of time, I understand you may have broken a plan or two till now furious for that. Prem says I’m never at adversity. Anu sees Angoori and both starting acting. Angoori sees Anu and Prem together and she astounded. Angoori sees Anu dealing with Prem visit and thinks first Vibhu and now Anu this isn’t worthy permitted me to hear what they are truly talking.

Anu says to Prem that I will reveal to Vibhuti each easily overlooked detail about us how bright we are and I get incredibly angry seeing him. Anu says I can’t live any second with Vibhuti and need to unveil to him we are hitched. Prem says even I have bundle of bounty and now you also. Angoori astonished and says these two are needing to live individually, I never contemplated Anu like this.

Angoori meets Vibhuti at resturent. Vibhu asks as to why did you call me here. Angoori says it was sincere and I haven’t said this to anybody yet I need to say this to you. Vibhuti asks nit even Tiwari. Angoori says why will I prompt him. Vibhuti imagine Angoori conveying warmth to her. Vibhuti says I love you too Angoori shooks him and solicitation to center. Angoori says what garbage are you talking what were you saying.

Vibhuti says sorry prompt me. Angoori says I saw Prem and Anu having chaat in market and Anu is hitched to Prem. Vibhu says what are you talking say this is lie. Angoori says dont act I know you sre also in same pool and leaves incensed. Vibhuti says how could I react.

Tiwari and Vibhuti are drinking. Both decided to share there trouble. Tiwari says I’ll tell anyway you eill not understand. Vibhuti says uncover to me I’ll fathom. Tiwari asks with respect to whether you partner Prem and me are staying before you who is the appealing one. Vibhuti says I’ll break his face. Tiwari says essentially offer me reaction. Vibhu says you’re not lovely anyway at whatever point appeared differently in relation to Prem you are appealing. Vibhuti says I need to spit on Prem face. Tiwari says thankyou and makes him a drink, Tiwari asks now exhort me from a women perspective.

Vibhu days that women will be moronic snd brainless. Tiwari says I was asking as to myself. Vibhu says in connection with Prem you are better looking anyway what is your issue. Tiwari says I just need to acknowledge who is even more dazzling among me and Prem. Pelu gives them a note which says who is more appealing me or Salman Khan. Tiwari and Vibhuti give himma cold look, Tillu and Malkhan drinking, Tillu singing abandoned tune. Vibhu and Tiwari start crying slanting to it.

Anu with her pack in halting calling Prem ask where are you Vibhu following her. Prem walks around Anu and says sorry I’m insignificant late. Anu says I’m set up to go with you breaking all my past association are you arranged. Prem says yes and Vibhu feels horrible. Prem says I was reliably ready for you at this point you were behind that stupid Vibhuti however at this point we will go Switzerland and live there. Vibhu continuously walks around them. Anu asks Vibhu what are you doing here.

Vibhuti says seeing my reverence going to Switzerland from Kanpur. Anu says you may have uncovered to me that on phone as well. Vibhuti says is your outing more huge then my love. Prem says our tickets cost 2.5 lakh which you have never gained in your life. Vibhu says shut up and start hitting him. Anu stops them. Vibhu says how should you do this to me. Anu says same as you did. Vibhuti asks how could I react. Tiwari walks around with Tipsy and Angoori. Anu asks who is she. Vibhuti says I can explain.

Angoori says no need we overall consider your character. Vibhu demands that Teeka take out hairpiece and all gets paralyzed. Teeka says what you did in one second you cahnged my sexual direction. Vibhuti says I focused on Baba to improve my life and gid liberated from disappointment so I familiar with Tipsy that was my ineptitude, I did this to save my married life anyway you sabotaged me that too with prem. Anu says are you gotten done with your show we were doing this to show you some things it was every one of the an exhibit. Angoori says both were acting and I confounded everything. Vibhuti and Anu apologize to each other.

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