Beyhadh 2 4th February 2020 Written Update | Beyhadh 2 Episodes Updates


Beyhadh 2 4th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Beyhadh 2 4-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Rudra and Maya get married

Airing Date: 4 February 2020

Full Written Update: 4-February-2020 Beyhadh 2 Episode Start with Maya crying while simultaneously endeavoring to wake Rudra up. She reveals to him that she worships him and asks him not to dismiss her. A couple of men come there. With their help, Maya takes Rudra at the medicinal center. She demands that the restorative orderly call the pro. He demands that he fill the structures first yet Maya bargains the medicinal guardian with an edge mentioning that he call the master first.

Also Read: Beyhadh 2 3rd February 2020 Written Update

Later Maya looks who is being treated inside the ward through the window. She lies with her choices depleted and isolates on her knees. She pushed Rudra in water and his words also. She begs God for save her Rudra and keeps saying that again and again. The orderly comes and demands that her go to the patient.

She quickly races into the ward and sees Rudra lying unmindful on the bed anyway luckily his heart is pounding as showed up on machine. Maya surveys their minutes while “O Saiyaan” plays. She is going to contact Rudra’s temples yet out of the blue she has a burst from bas of someone slapping her. She dials down thinking that Rudra can’t make her frail and his love can’t get the retaliation she is keeping things under control for since the past ten years. Maya accepts that she can’t let him expend in the fire that has turned her soul dim.

Maya leaves the wards and gives the orderly a number mentioning that he call there and tell that their youngster is fine. The medicinal chaperon asks Maya what association she has with the patient and she leaves noting none.

Maya comes in Shiv Ji’s haven and approaches him for what reason Rudra was certainly not a significant piece of her life before when she seeked love, she asks concerning why he is giving her light now, why he is showing her the method for worship since she has landed at the objective of scorn. She cries accepting that she values Rudra a lot, more than her life, so much that now she needs to live yet she doesn’t revere her more than her retaliation and she needn’t bother with him to devour in the fire of her revenge. She envisions that now they have to get detached. Pooja starts and Maya infers that a chance to wreck everything, MJ especially has come.

The next morning Maya starts the vehicle to leave yet needs to stop it as Rudra precedes it. He condemns her for escaping again. Rudra opens the portal of her vehicle and says that the more she will endeavor to go far from him the more he will come closer. Maya demands that he let her go anyway he grabs her hand and takes her with him.

Rudra gets Maya front of Shiv Ji’s divinity and unveils to him that he reveres her and he understands that she loves him moreover. Maya denies that anyway he cups her face and says that she is lying. Maya stammers while endeavoring to deny that. Rudra leaves her and asks regarding whether she doesn’t love him then why her heartbeat is growing and why she saved him. He says that he heard whatever she said and moreover what she didn’t state. He surveys Maya conceding him that she treasures him.

Rudra cups Maya’s face and kisses her sanctuary. Beyhadh title track plays. He exhorts her that she had said that ways which are walked accidentally are right and now her way has procured her his arms. Maya tries leaving yet Rudra grabs her hand and pulls her towards him. Maya says that she doesn’t appreciate her yet he doesn’t discharge her and says that he didn’t hold her hand to leave. He says that his life is hers now onwards. He grabs a red chunri put close by and says that he picked up from her solitary that in case they love someone they should concealing her/him in such a significant concealing, that even dim concealing hazy spots before it. He covers Maya’s head with the red chunri.

Rudra says that today he will concealing her with his warmth shades and his veneration will be the primary bond she will have which will reliably remain with her. He leaves on her the decision to make the underlying move towards their relationship.

Maya enlightens the fire of the mandap set before Shiv Ji’s brilliant calf and advances a hand towards Rudra who holds it. They look at each other smiling. The marriage mantra plays. Rudra ensures Maya that nobody will meddle with them while she promises him that she will trust him before herself and an amazing lack of clarity won’t smash his light.

Rudra ensures that he will stay with her till the last heave. She covers his mouth with her hand when he says that. She walks around Rudra for the remainder of the vows and promises him to verify his love until she is alive and when destruction will come there will be his name on her lips and his face in her eyes. He promises him to share her inclination be it love or hatred.

Maya looks and promises him to fulfill all the vows. They grasp and Maya envisions that she will similarly fulfill her assurance to pummel MJ and his fondness will be her quality. She looks and says that she venerates him. Rudra wipes her tear and answers that he venerates her too. Maya smiles as their wedding happened and asksRudra to make an assurance to her as a wedding favoring and that will be the primary concern she will ask him for the duration of regular daily existence. Rudra recognizes and Maya smiles.

Also Read: Beyhadh 2 31st January 2020 Written Update


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