Bawara Dil 16th June 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bawara Dil 16th June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bawara Dil

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 16, June, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bawara Dil June 16th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with..In Progress…

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Bawara Dil 16th June 2021 16starupdates
The episode starts with Shiva going into room. He sees Siddhi nodded off. He covers her with cover. Following day Sonal requests some cash from Yashwant to go for an outing. Mangal tells Vilas, her family failed to remember her completely. Before they used to take consent from her however everything changed simply because of Siddhi. Mangal says she will ask Shiva and Siddhi straightforwardly with respect to it.

Shiva awakens and Siddhi comes in the wake of getting spruced up. She says last night Shiva arrived behind schedule and didn’t eat. She additionally nodded off. Shiva says today is her test so he didn’t awaken her last evening thinking she needs a decent rest. Siddhi says she requested breakfast for him, she will return from sanctuary after some time. Shiva expresses gratitude toward her. They grin at one another. Shiva sees a few notes with roses. Where Siddhi composed hello. Shiva figures he didn’t realize Siddhi is this much heartfelt.

Sonal considers calling Siddhi. Siddhi telephones her and says she has a shock for everybody. She will discuss it around evening time in the wake of returning back. Sonal gets energized and shares her bliss with Vijaya. Shiva sees one more card of thank you given by Siddhi in his jeep. Siddhi says its her method of saying bless your heart. Shiva says he didn’t do a lot. Siddhi says that is false, he accomplished such a great deal for her, she can give her test since he empowered her and aided her out. Shiva says notice not. He begins his jeep saying he will drive moderate Siddhi can examine.

Sonal converses with Vijaya in regards to Shiva and Siddhi’s hitched life. She says soon Shiva and Siddhi will become guardians. She will choose the youngster’s name. Mangal closes Sonal. Yashwant upholds Sonal saying she didn’t do anything incorrectly. Later Mangal advises Yashwant to return back home early, she needs to declare something significant.

Shiva says Siddhi has taken fundamental things for test or not. Shiva says he will sit tight for three hours until her test is finished. Siddhi gets glad and she advises Shiva to wish best of luck to her. Siddhi turns around and Shiva takes a gander at her. Later he envisions Siddhi is laying her head on his shoulder. Back to the real world, Siddhi returns in the wake of giving the test. She says she completed her paper inside less time. They arrive at home.

Sonal energetically embraces Siddhi and gets some information about the amazement. Siddhi says she will uncover it before everybody. Vilas educates Mangal about their return. Mangal considers beginning her show. There, Siddhi endowments one goggle to Shiva. Shiva likes it and asks her what befell her unexpectedly that she is in effect sweet to him. Siddhi says she got it while going to sanctuary. Shiva gets some information about the explanation of her bliss. Siddhi advises him to keep his hand on her hand. She holds his hand and takes him outside.

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