Anupama 4th January 2021 Written Update


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Anupama Episode 2021 Tv series Written Update January, 4th, 2021 on By

Anupama, 4th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Anupama, 4 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

Anupama Written Update

Air Date : 4, January, 2021

January 4, 2021 : Anupama Today Episode Start with Baa accuses Anupama and Kavya’s for Vanraj’s condition. Bapuji asks her not to make a show in medical clinic. Baa at that point accuses Kavya that due to her, Vanraj couln’t go to his child’s wedding, she made a dramatization in wedding and should have even at home; in light of Kavya, Vanraj ventured out from home and separated from family, and so on Bapuji asks her again not to yell in medical clinic. Baa orders Kavya to escape medical clinic as she doesn’t need her shadow to fall on Vanraj. Kavya says this is a medical clinic and not her home that Baa can send her out. Baa holds her hand and hauls, yet Kavya liberates her hand and says she can’t prevent her from being close to Vanraj.

Baa says she won’t succumb to her fake tears and hauls her once more. Kavya argues Anu to stop Baa. Anu demands Baa to let Kavya remain here. Baa says she knows who Kavya is. Anu says your child’s affection, might be he will get well soon with her essence and will ask her; they shouldn’t think terrible for others when they are in awful circumstance. Bapuji says Anu is correct. Baa stops. Samar asks Anu when she saw what Kavya did in Toshu’s wedding, why she needs to excuse Kavya. Anu says even he excused his dad, once in a while circumstances cause them to fail to remember their torment. Kavya goes into Vanraj’s room and saying ‘sorry’ for battling with him solicitations to excuse her and get well soon as she reallly love him. Anu quietly watches by means of glass dooor. Specialist checks filter report and gets strained.

Samar over telephone tells his companion that they will get an unmistakable exclusively after output reports come. Anu and Kavya ask god. Specialist illuminates Anu that there is interior injury and patient necessities quick medical procedure, asks his blood gathering. Anu and Kavya on the double say O positive. Baa solicitations to take her blood. Bapuji says her blood bunch is unique and solicitations to take his blood. Specialist says he can’t because of his age and medical problem. Anu says even her blood bunch is O positive and she will give blood. Kavya says she is likewise O pisitive and is a lot more youthful and more grounded than Anu, so she will give blood. Specialist takes her in. Baa shouts at Anu that she didn’t give her blood and is rendering retribution from Vanraj. Anu solicitations to quit provoking in any event today, she endured her insults for a very long time and will for an additional 25 years. Pakhi cries at home and composes a note for Vanraj. Nandini supports her and asks her to simply accept that her dad will be fine. Pakhi gestures yes. Back to medical clinic, specialist takes Vanraj on a cot towards activity theater/OT. Baa argues Vanraj to open his eyes and asks what befell him.

Specialist says they can just say after activity and brings him into OT. He begins activity and quickly coming out says they need more blood. Kavya says she previously gave blood. Specialist says some of the time understanding contrarily responds with a couple of individuals’ blood, they need blood right away. Anu solicitations to take her blood. Specialist takes her blood and expectations that her blood suits persistent, else anything can occur. Sanjay trusts Anu’s blood suits Vanraj and requests that Samar keep his companions educated as they may require more blood. Baa stresses saying don’t have the foggiest idea what’s going on inside. Attendant comes out and says Anu’s blood fit patient’s body. Baa insults Kavya that even Vanraj’s body realizes what’s going on and right and inquires as to whether she is feeling lightheaded. Anu says no. Baa keeps insulting Anu.

Specialist emerges from OT. Baa inquires as to whether her child is fine. Specialist says a medical procedure worked out positively and patient should be under perception for 24 hours, so 1 individual should remain with quiet for the time being. Kavya says she will remain. Specialist says just a relative can remain. Baa says he is directly as pariahs look great external home, Anu dealt with Vanraj since 25 years and will proceed. Specialist says Mrs. Shah can remain and they all should leave. Bapuji discloses to Anu that Sanjay or Vanraj will remain outside if Anu needs any assistance. Anu says she will oversee. Baa leaves requesting that Kavya leave first.

Anu reveals to Kavya that she will educate her when Vanraj awakens or she can call Vanraj at whatever point she needs as his telephone is with her. Samar gets back and seeing Nandini embraces her genuinely and says he thought he abhors his dad, yet he doesn’t; a dad child relationship is novel, a child can be furious o father yet can’t despise him; his dad carried on with an extraordinary existence with family, however now he has nothing; mummy went through 25 years with daddy, she burned through the majority of her live around him, yet he double-crossed her; Baa handily requested mummy to remain with dad, yet didn’t understand what mummy experienced; its hard for mummy, yet she will oversee. Back in medical clinic, Kavya reveals to Anu that she is remaining with Vanraj to deal with him and should show concern and not right. Anu says right is just Kavya’s, however torment is everyone’s. Kavya says torment should be everyone’s, except Vanraj is just hers. Anu says she remembered, that being said will recollect.

In Progress…

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