Ajooni 4th August 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Ajooni 4th August 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Ajooni

Timings On TV: All times are on the 4th August (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 4th August 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Ajooni 4th August 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Ajooni comes to meet Avinash. He’s harmed. Ajooni says would you say you are alright? Ajooni’s mother says I am certain her thugs got it done. Avinash says my patients got it done. It’s extremely normal with specialists. They do it in the event that their patient isn’t well. Try not to fault Ajooni. Avinash’s father says it’s not regarding a patient. That patient has been released. This is excessively. He shares with Subhash I can’t put my child’s life in danger. I’m sorry we attempted to help you. Avinash says I won’t leave Ajooni. Subhash expresses Avinash for the present simply center around your recuperation. Ajooni heads outside and cries. Rajveer comes and says did you come to meet that specialist? I will kill him assuming you continue to come to meet him. Subhash comes. Rajveer says you ought to plan for our commitment. Subhash expresses out loud whatever joke is this? He says mightn’t you at any point perceive how serious I am? Would it be a good idea for me to take Ajooni with me myself? I love her. I maintain that should do every one of the capabilities and ceremonies and afterward wed. Ajooni expresses shut up. You can never wed me. I can’t stand you. He says I love you and I will wed you at any expense. Ajooni leaves.

Ajooni gets back home. She says for what reason is he after my life. Meher says if it’s not too much trouble, unwind. Ajooni says I can’t stand him. He’s hit Avinash so awful. Rajveer ponders what Ajooni said. His companions come. He says I could have done without seeing Ajooni cry. His companion says you made her cry. Rajveer blows up. his companion says I mean she’s strained in light of this present circumstance. He says she came to my life and transformed it until the end of time. His companion says you need to quiet her down. Rajveer says you are correct.

Scene 2
Bharat prepares, he says I have a meeting. Ajooni makes puri for him. Subhas is prepared to leave for work as well. Biji says we need to continue onward to work. We can’t allow him to stop us. Subhash tells Ajooni assuming that there’s any issue summon me right. Chime rings. Bharat opens the entryway. It’s the milkman. The milkman expresses is there a capability in 4 days? Tell me ahead of time about the milk request. Meher says who said that? He says it’s composed there. Meher says there are many blossoms outside and he’s composed following 4 days with them. They’re all irate. Subhas goes out of resentment. Subhash says he’s intersection restricts consistently. Biji says we should head inside. Subhas says Bharat accompany me. This is excessively.

Bharat and Subhash come to an office. The secretary says sir has a significant gathering. He is coming. Rawinder tells his man I need to find a decent young lady for my more youthful child soon. He tells the priest’s man, that land ought to be mine, or I will kill him. He leaves. Bharat asks the assistant who is he. He says Rawinder Bagga. Subhas comes to the legal advisor. He says you won’t take our case. It’s against Rajveer Bagga. The legal advisor says your case can go well known in the media then they can’t utilize their power. You need to remain areas of strength for exceptionally. Your little girl’s assertion is vital. Did Rajveer undermine your girl or irritate her? He says not actually. The legal counselor says your little girl should give an assertion.

Scene 3
Biji meets Khana and Avinash. She says we are exceptionally stressed for Avinash. His mother says then, at that point, let him be. It happened to him due to Ajooni. Avinash gets out whatever are you saying. He says sorry Biji they’re strained. Biji says it’s alright I grasp their annoyance. We will come later. They leave. Rajveer is outside. He says they are still attached. I need to stop this specialist. They see Avinash’s mother dropping a youngster to school van. Rajveer says I understood for the last round.

Bharat asks Subhas would you say you are alright? He says I can’t return home. I can’t confront Ajooni. I can’t battle for my girl. Bharat says don’t surrender like this. He says I trust Avinash and Ajooni get hitched and leave the city. I can’t battle any longer. Rajveer is at the salon. His companions track down all data about the youngster. It’s Geet Khana. Avinash’s sister. His mother calls the school. Geet isn’t in school or the van. They’re stressed for her. Avinash attempts to find out as well.

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Ajooni 4th August 2022 updates

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Written Update.

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