Beyhadh 2 4th March 2020 Written Update


Beyhadh 2 4th March 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Beyhadh 2 4-03-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Maya targets Antara

Airing Date: 4 March 2020

Full Written Update: 4-March-2020 Beyhadh 2 Episode Start with

Maya leaving the washroom in the wake of undermining Antara and discovering MJ before herself.

Obviously Rajiv is trying to persuade Nandini to eat something yet she won’t. Aditya comes and requests that her eat too in any case she says that she wouldn’t want to eat. Aditya says that he heard that she isn’t fine and will get dynamically unwell on the off chance that she doesn’t eat. He manages Nandini with the parantha. Aditya taps on Rajiv’s shoulder referencing that he call him at whatever point he needs. Rajiv sees him leaving with marvelous eyes. Nandini is stressed over Rudra and Maya. Rajiv says that no one can detach them, not utilizing all methods a villain.

Also Read: Beyhadh 2 3rd March 2020 Written Update

MJ strolls around Maya and says that it appears as though she isn’t tense about him any more. He says that dread gives dauntlessness and if her dread has completed from where she will get mental coarseness. He calls her Manvi. She says that Manvi has kicked the can, before long it’s Maya. MJ attacks her. Maya understands her grasp over the scissor she was holding. She grins seeing Rudra coming.

Maya drops and Rudra hurries to her. He approaches MJ what happened for her. MJ says that he was watching that as well. Rudra lifts Maya in his arms and places her on adoration seat. He sees that Maya’s finger got blue and gets engaged. Nandini, Rajiv and Aditya come likewise and get stressed as well.

Maya gets keen. Rudra prompts her for not clearing the finger following to getting a cut on it and now it got blue thinking about the finger. Everyone demands referencing that Maya clear the finger in any case she expels saying that it is the indication of his worship. Rudra grabs the ring from her finger saying that glow isn’t in things at any rate in the spirit.

Rudra gets a sledge from the department and breaks the ring with it. He says that nothing is good when it goes past cutoff centers, for no circumstance love. Maya goes to get a handle on him and says that his adoration will cause her torment to disseminate. She grins getting a handle on Maya.

MJ comes in his room maddened after what occurred. Antara comes there as well and discloses to him that Maya had a go at repeating her with high temp water in the washroom. MJ reveals to her that Maya got the ring broken by Rudra’s hands and says that the ring seemed as though a pooch neck territory for Maya. The last comes and says that Rudra purged that neck territory.

Antara asks Maya what she is importance to do. Maya says that reality will surface over the long haul what she will do. She endorses Antara to contribute as a lot of essentialness as she can with her child before the time wraps up. MJ says that she can’t do anything with Rudra. Maya answers that she can do anything. MJ undertakings towards her in any case she calls Rudra. MJ stops right away. Maya grins.

At the night Maya is perched on easy chair while Rudra is laying on bed. She acknowledges that Rudra can’t allow her to lose while her hatred can’t let MJ win. She makes something.

Antara is feeling anxious investigating Maya’s words. MJ says that Manvi ought to have exhausted her with foaming water and she would have been in the emergency place while he will rest serenity. Antara says that he is concerned over his rest when Manvi had revealed to her that she is her next objective. MJ says that he can’t single out the remote possibility that he should seriously hate Manvi or love her since she is removing the entirety of his issues independently and he doesn’t need to do anything. Antara says that once his all issues get completed, she will come behind him. MJ requests that her rest. Antara rests tolerating that Manvi resembles a hanging sword which could fall on them at whatever point.

Maya makes Antara’s name on an envelope and acknowledges that tomorrow it is the ideal open entryway for Antara’s devastation.

The following morning a worker brings tea for Antara in her room and places it on her end table. There is an envelope too on the plate. Antara blends and opens the envelope. She gets it: it is a letter from Nandini who insults her for her fixation. She has shaped in addition that she needs some rest. Antara detonates.

She begins things out floor and sledges Nandini. She gets a few information about the note she kept in her room. Nandini is puzzled. Antara is going to expel Nandini from the house yet stops when Rudra and Maya come there. Maya goes to Nandini.

Rudra asks Antara what she is doing. Antara weaknesses Nandini for doing everything. Rudra says that he has heard her talking since yesterday. Antara divulges to him that Nandini called her a someone who is addicted in a note and takes Rudra to give her that note at any rate she can’t discover it.

Antara gets a few information about the plate he had kept in his room. He says that he hasn’t given her tea yet. In a flashback it is shown that it was Rajiv who kept the plate in her room. Antara reveals to Rudra that Nandini and Maya are there to render backlash. Rudra asks her what retaliation. Antara will uncover everything beside MJ comes and says that she should stop with this drive. He is sorry to Nandini for what Antara said.

Rudra asks Antara what’s going on with her. Antara says that she despises Nandini and Maya. Rudra apologizes to her for wedding Maya without inciting her and says this is her home so she can wrap up who can live right now who not.

Nandini says that she can’t listen more stuff against her since she hasn’t sold her regard. She says that she will return to her home. Maya says that she can’t remain in the house wherein there is a horrendous situation for her mom. MJ handles her strategy. Maya imagines that MJ in all likelihood understood her strategy in any case he has no clue about what will happen straightaway.

Also Read: Beyhadh 2 2nd March 2020 Written Update


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